York State Bar Association Conference (London) October 2005
Foreign Divorce: Risks and Rewards for Americans Abroad
Paper by Marjory D Fields and David Truex outlining some of the issues
to be considered when Americans become involved in European divorces,
with particular reference to England and Wales. Includes a unique analysis
of the recent English Court of Appeal decision in Miller v Miller
[2005] EWCA Civ 984 from a New York perspective suggesting that, contrary
to what some English commentators are whispering, the £5 million
awarded to Mrs Miller was not unduly generous. And on 24 May 2006 the
House of Lords agreed with us! See Miller; McFarlane
[2006] UKHL 24.
A revised and updated version of this paper has been
published in International Family Law March
[2006] IFL 8.
National Crime Victim
Bar Association Annual Conference (USA) June 2005
Overcoming Bias Against Women Witnesses
Paper by Marjory D Fields for a conference workshop discussing ways
to counter bias against women witnesses testifying in court proceedings.
Powerfully argued and substantiated with a wealth of cited authorities.
CLT Conference (London)
December 2004
Matrimonial Financial Applications in England and Wales after Foreign
Paper by David Truex explaining how to use Matrimonial and Family Proceedings
Act 1984 Part III for financial applications after a divorce has taken
place outside England and Wales. Includes bibliography. This is a revised
version of Chapter 6 of International Aspects of Family Law (Second
Edition, Spring 2004) published by the SFLA.
11th Australian Family
Law Conference (Gold Coast) September 2004
The Ten Commandments of international family law practice explained.
SFLA Regional
Seminar (Manchester) October 2003
International Family Law Practice: Some Tips for Avoiding the Pitfalls
Paper by David Truex giving practical guidance on some of the common
problems encountered by family lawyers in international cases. Includes
bibliography and useful websites.
Italian AIAF Family
Law Conference (Lucca) June 2003
Legal representation of children
in Australia and England
Paper by David Truex presented to the Associazone Italiana degli
Avvocati per la Fagmilia e per i minori, describing how children in
family law proceedings are provided with legal representation in these
two jurisdictions.
National Conference (Southampton) March 2003
International service under the Brussels Service Regulation
Paper by David Truex explaining the importance of, and procedures
for, effecting service of divorce papers under this new European law.
Note: see revised and updated version of part of this paper under Publications
- International Service of Documents in Family Proceedings (published
by the SFLA in International Aspects of Family Law (2nd Edition, Spring
German-British Judicial Conference
(Trier) September 2002
Brussels II and IIA: The Experience of the SFLA of England
and Wales.
Paper by David Truex explaining the new European divorce jurisdiction
laws for judges from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Sweden.
10th Australian Family Law Conference
(Melbourne) March 2002
Why just "Parental Responsibility"? Why not "Family
Paper by David Truex suggesting that the law should recognise a wider
range of responsibilities for children.
10th Irish Family Law Conference (Dublin)
January 2001
Brussels II - Beware!
Paper by David Truex warning of the effects of the Brussels II Regulation
1347/2000 on divorce proceedings in the European Union. This was the
first lawyers’ conference presentation in Europe on this revolutionary
new law.
A revised version of this paper was published in March
2001 Family Law.
9th Australian
Family Law Conference (Sydney) July 2000
International Matrimonial Property Litigation: Tips for UK and Australian
Family Lawyers
Paper by David Truex on the logistics of international litigation, with
advice on how to avoid pitfalls and stay ahead of the opposition. A
revised version of this paper was published in December 2000 in International
Family Law
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