German-British Judicial Conference
Trier, 24-29 September 2002
Brussels II and IIA: the experience
of the Solicitors Family Law Association of
England and Wales
The Solicitors
Family Law Association
I am pleased to
be invited as the representative of family law
solicitors in England and Wales to address this
distinguished Judicial Conference. I will start
with a commercial for the Solicitors Family
Law Association. The SFLA was formed in London
in 1982 by a few concerned family lawyers who
believed that an aggressive approach to family
law proceedings and unnecessary reliance on
the court process exacerbate the distress of
the family members and increase legal costs.
A Code of Practice was developed, designed to
promote a conciliatory atmosphere in which matters
are dealt with in a sensitive, constructive
and cost-effective way. There are now over 5,000
SFLA solicitors in England and Wales. Through
its National Committee, the SFLA liaises with
government on law reform and sets high standards
of good practice in family law through training,
publications and an accreditation scheme for
highly experienced specialist family lawyers.
The Code of Practice requires members to encourage
clients to understand that a family dispute
is not a contest with winners and losers but
a search for fair solutions. We aim to ensure
that our clients understand that the best interests
of children should be put first and that an
effort should be made to reduce the emotional
tensions inherant in the family law context.
The Code sets out guidance for the solicitor’s
relationship with the client, with other solicitors,
with a person who does not have a lawyer and
with children particularly when the child is
the client.
This year the
Law Society of England and Wales, in cooperation
with the SFLA and United Kingdom government
departments, published the Family Law Protocol,
a guide for family lawyers which is largely
based on the SFLA Code of Practice and other
SFLA guidance publications.
The Scope
of this Paper
Although I have
been asked to present a paper on the initial
experience of family lawyers in England and
Wales on the working of the Brussels II Regulation,
I have had the advantage of reading the excellent
commentary by my learned friends Nicholas Mostyn
QC and Tim Amos and can see that they have already
said quite a lot about our concerns, some of
them very serious concerns. I agree with most
of what they have written. I think that, in
the circumstances, my presentation will be more
helpful if I focus on the planned reforms to
be introduced by the Brussels IIA Regulation.
Professor Nigel Lowe will say more about this
on Friday, and, as I anticipate that his paper
will be academically far superior to anything
I can offer, I propose to outline some points,
good and bad, which are of particular interest
to the hard pressed family law solicitors of
England and Wales. After all, solicitors are
the first point of reference for clients faced
with the conundrums of Brussels II and, as gatekeepers
to the family law justice system, I think we
share their pain more than our eminent colleagues
on the Bench, at the Bar and in the Law Schools.
II – Background
When the Brussels
II Regulation came into effect in the United
Kingdom and elsewhere throughout the European
Union (except Denmark) on 1 March 2001 most
of the lawyers in the United Kingdom jurisdictions
(England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
were caught by surprise. My Scottish colleague
Sheila Barker, who presents a paper to this
Conference about family mediation, has co-written,
with solicitor Shona Smith, an article published
in March [2002] International Family Law confirming
that there was confusion in Scotland about Brussels
II, just as there was south of the border. The
article highlights some difficulties encountered
in Scotland and makes suggestions for avoiding
similar problems arising in the future.
In England and
Wales the SFLA took the lead by publishing Guidance
Notes on the correct Brussels II procedure in
March and April 2002 (Brussels II – It’s
Here April [2001] International Family Law page
7). The SFLA International Committee, of which
I am Chair, also monitored enquiries from concerned
solicitors throughout our jurisdiction. There
was amazement that the new law had been implemented
by direct EC Regulation rather than through
an anticipated Convention: the Brussels regulation
process is foreign to English family lawyers
and there were grumblings about loss of national
Since 1 March
2001 there have been surprisingly few serious
problems with Brussels II. Solicitors were initially
hampered by the lack of new court forms until
these were produced by the Court Service in
September 2001. Nevertheless, we muddled through
in the best English tradition. The staff and
judges at the Principal Registry of the Family
Division of the High Court in London and local
divorce County Courts worked with solicitors
to make the system function.
Initially, our
main concern was the pressure to issue divorce
proceedings first to secure jurisdiction. In
England and Wales we have a culture which requires
the solicitor for a client proposing to commence
family law proceedings to write a letter to
the proposed Respondent before issuing proceedings,
with a view to seeking an agreed course for
the litigation. This principle is enshrined
in the SFLA Code of Practice and the Law Society’s
Family Law Protocol. This practice has been
modified to allow solicitors to issue proceedings
without warning if this is in the interests
of the client, particularly if the solicitor
anticipates that warning the proposed Respondent
will lead to proceedings being issued first
in an inappropriate foreign jurisdiction. Some
English family lawyers are very unhappy with
this development.
Mr Mostyn and
Mr Amos in their paper say they could find only
one reported case on Brussels II (in England
and Wales) but I have found three which are
relevant besides the case of Sulaiman v Juffali
[2002] 1 FLR 479 which they cite.
On 13 June 2001
in Ikimi v Ikimi [2001] EWCA Civ 873 the Court
of Appeal (Thorpe and Clark LJJ and Holland
J) upheld the important concept that it is possible
for a married couple to have two homes of habitual
residence in two jurisdictions at the same time.
Although this was not a Brussels II case because
the homes were in England and Nigeria, there
are significant implications for cases arising
between Brussels II Member States. Do jurisdictions
besides England and Wales recognise the concept
of two concurrent habitual residences?
On 14 January
2002 in A v L (Jurisdiction: Brussels II) [2002]
1 FLR 1042, HHJ Garner decided that, where a
husband’s appeal against a Spanish court
order allowing the wife to relocate with the
child to England was still pending, the Spanish
court continued to be seised of jurisdiction
under Article 11. Therefore the wife’s
subsequent application to the English High Court
was stayed on the basis of declined jurisdiction
under Article 11 (3). HHJ Garner also declined
to exercise discretion to make a provisional
order in respect of the child under Article
On 11 February
2002 in Breuning v Breuning [2002] EWHC Fam
236, Bennett J dismissed a wife’s divorce
petition because she could not establish a jurisdictional
basis of English domicile or habitual residence.
His Lordship also held that the forum conveniens
test of balance of fairness, including convenience,
favoured the husband’s divorce proceedings
in South Africa, where the parties had a substantial
connection. Although this was not a Brussels
II case, the judgment in instructive on what
constitutes habitual residence and domicile
under English law.
The central question
is whether the certainty with respect to jurisdiction
provided by Brussels II is worth the risk that
divorce and related proceedings will be pursued
in a clearly inappropriate jurisdiction. To
take a hypothetical example, say a German family
has been living in England for many years, the
husband having been transferred from Frankfurt
to London by his employer. All the family assets
are in England and the husband’s income
is earned in England. Suppose the husband is
sent back to Frankfurt for 6 months by his employer,
leaving the wife in the London home and the
children in London schools. Suppose he then
issues divorce proceedings in Germany after
he has been there 6 months, as he is perfectly
entitled to do under Brussels II. He then returns
to live and work in England and moves in with
his secretary. Brussels II says that all divorce
related proceedings must take place in Germany.
This seems quite illogical. Mr Mostyn and Mr
Amos suggest a possible solution in their papers,
but will it work?
There will be
hard cases under Brussels II, and there will
be victims of the system. Is the loss of discretion
to stay proceedings on a forum conveniens basis
too high a price to pay for certainty? Should
there be more scope for discretion?
IIA – For Better or For Worse?
On 14 May 2002
the United Kingdom Lord Chancellor’s Department
wrote to the SFLA requesting comments on the
EC proposal for a new Council Regulation modifying
or repealing Brussels II. Later that month a
delegation of lawyers from the SFLA and the
Family Law Bar Association (the barrister equivalent
of the SFLA) went to Brussels to meet with representatives
of the European Commission and the European
Council to discuss the proposed changes. Brussels
IIA proposals include widening the scope of
Brussels II to cover all children, not just
the children of the parties to the marriage,
and to modify the effect of the 1980 Hague Convention
on the Civil Aspects of International Child
Abduction, particularly the procedures for dealing
with defences to the return of the child under
Article 13. What we learned in Brussels informed
the SFLA response to the Lord Chancellor’s
Department. What follows is a summary of that
It is against
a background of commitment to fostering laws
which encourage a conciliatory approach that
the SFLA supports those features of the proposed
Brussels IIA Regulation which:
1.Protect the
best interests of children in family disputes.
2.Reduce the scope
for conflict between family members.
3.Clarify legal
responsibilities and rights so that family members
and their legal advisors can more easily agree
about the principles on which dispute resolution
will be based.
4.Encourage conciliation
and mediation, rather than litigation, as a
way to resolve disputes between family members.
5.Empower family
members to resolve disputes by agreement.
6.Provide family
members with the means by which they can obtain
professional help to assist them to resolve
disputes, including adequate public funding
Conciliation and
mediation services.
Court services and court support services.
Legal advice and representation services.
Central Authorities and other facilities for
international cooperation between those who
provide conciliation/mediation services, court
services and legal services.
The proposed Regulation
has been examined in the light of the principles
outlined above.
1.The SFLA recommends
that the United Kingdom should opt in to the
proposed Regulation. However, we have concerns
and reservations about some of the provisions
in the Regulation and therefore recommend that
those points of concern should be amended, or,
if amendment cannot be agreed, that the provisions
in question should be deleted from the text
of the Regulation before it is approved by the
2.Subject to the
above proviso, the SFLA supports the general
principles on which the proposed Regulation
is based as set out in paragraphs (1) through
(25) of the Recitals to the Regulation.
3.The SFLA is
aware of proposals to expand the membership
of the European Union by adding up to 10 new
members in the near future and is conscious
of the possibility that some aspects of the
family law systems in potential new Member States
may not be fully compatible with the family
law systems of existing Member States. This
causes us to urge particular caution in relation
to provisions in the proposed Regulation which
provide for mutual recognition and enforcement
of access orders, international child abduction
and adequate levels of public funding for conciliation/mediation
services, court services, legal services and
Central Authorities and similar facilities.
on selected main provisions the proposed of
Brussels IIA Regulation
3 Right of the child to contact with both parents
This could lead
to an increase in the number of disputes over
contact/access and may also lead to unacceptable
restrictions on the freedom of movement of children
and parents with residence/custody of them.
When similar legislation was introduced in Australia
in 1996 there was, in the words of Chief Justice
Alastair Nicholson of the Family Court of Australia,
“an explosion” of litigation initiated
by fathers (Contact Conference Report, 27 March
2002, London, page 94).
This Article should
be amended in such a way as to discourage an
explosion of litigation.
4 Right of the child to be heard
The SFLA strongly
endorses this principle which will need to be
backed up with adequate public funding of legal
representation for children, conciliation/mediation
and court services.
11 Interim continuing jurisdiction in state
of child’s former residence
This is a good
practical measure but its meaning should be
clarified in more particular language to reduce
the risk of jurisdiction disputes.
12 Prorogation of jurisdiction
The SFLA supports
the general principle that families should be
empowered to make agreements, particularly in
relation to which jurisdiction or jurisdictions
will govern family relationships. The present
drafting appears to allow parents to choose
jurisdiction in relation to matters concerning
parental responsibility but not for divorce,
nullity or legal separation. The SFLA believes
parties to a marriage should be empowered to
decide what jurisdiction should govern their
divorce, nullity or legal separation, subject
to the proviso that the court must find that
assuming jurisdiction is in the best interests
of any children concerned.
21-24 Child abduction
The effect of
these proposals would be to reduce the status
of orders currently made under Article 13 (b)
of the Hague Abduction Convention (grave risk,
child’s objection) to mere provisional
protective measures, subject to the power of
the court of the child’s habitual residence
to overrule the provisional order and require
the return of the child. This is a radical change
which substantially weakens the Article 13 (b)
The SFLA does
not support these draft regulations in their
current form. We are concerned that children
may be put at grave risk, or that their mature
and considered objections to return will be
disregarded or given insufficient weight. We
are aware that, in the past, there have been
examples of some countries using Article 13
(b) to refuse the return of children to their
jurisdiction of habitual residence in circumstances
which have caused concern among signatories
to the Hague Abduction Convention. These past
difficulties could be revived when new Member
States join the EU.
The experience
of SFLA members is that the Hague Abduction
Convention works well, both within the EC and
as between EC Member States and non-members.
We are aware that the Convention works particularly
effectively between the United Kingdom jurisdictions
and those jurisdictions which share a similar
common law heritage, for example, Australia
and New Zealand. Central to this effectiveness
is close cooperation and good understanding
between court services, including judges, Central
Authorities and lawyers in the respective jurisdictions.
Relative to other
international instruments, the Hague Abduction
Convention can be held up as a good example
of how international law can work for the benefit
of families. However, there is always room for
improvement, particularly in an area which involves
complex issues of legal and culture differences
affecting parental rights and responsibilities
and the protection of the best interests of
the child.
The SFLA wishes
to preserve as far as possible what is good
about the Hague Abduction Convention while seeking
to harmonise its operation with Brussels IIA
within the context of the EC. The EC should
consider how international cooperation between
Member States can be improved not just in the
difficult area of international child abduction
but also to facilitate mutual recognition and
enforcement of laws relating to parental responsibility,
custody and access.
The Hague Abduction
Convention is founded on the premis that the
jurisdiction of the child’s habitual residence
is most appropriate to determine what is in
the child’s best interests, subject to
certain narrow exceptions such as are found
in Article 13 (b). A considerable body of case
law on the Hague Abduction Convention has developed
in many jurisdictions including the UK jurisdictions.
The SFLA urges that, so far as is practicable,
the draft Brussels IIA Regulation should leave
this valuable body of jurisprudence undisturbed
and build on it rather than introduce new concepts
which may create more problems than they solve.
In the context
of international maintenance enforcement it
is notorious that the provisional order procedure
can lead to a proliferation of litigation in
two jurisdictions, with the case being batted
back and forth for provisional proceedings and
confirmation proceedings, sometimes referred
to as ping pong litigation. This unnecessarily
increases delay, cost, uncertainty and anxiety
for the families involved. The SFLA therefore
believes the provisional protective measures
should be removed from the draft Brussels IIA
Regulation. If this is not achievable, the Regulation
should be amended to incorporate what in England
and Wales are referred to as safe harbour orders
to protect the welfare of children and the interests
of abducting parents, who are often the parents
with the primary care of children.
For example, the
courts of the jurisdiction of the child’s
habitual residence, in overruling a provisional
protective order made in a jurisdiction to which
the child has been abducted, should be required
to ensure that the Central Authority will provide
the following safeguards before the parent and
child are returned:
This list of safe
harbour orders is an example only and is not
intended to be exhaustive.
The safe harbour
orders should remain in place only until such
time as the abducting parent and, if appropriate,
the child, have had an opportunity to obtain
legal representation and prepare for an inter
partes hearing at which all relevant evidence
can be considered by the court of the child’s
habitual residence.
45-49 Enforcement of access
The SFLA supports
the principle of reciprocal recognition and
enforcement of access orders where such orders
are made inter partes, or with the consent of
the parties, in proceedings in the jurisdiction
of the child’s habitual residence. We
would not support such reciprocal recognition
and enforcement in the case of default orders
for access, that is, orders made in proceedings
where the party ordered to grant access has
not had an opportunity to be heard.
We question whether
reciprocal enforcement should be limited to
parents only. For example, there would appear
to be no reason in principle why a grandparent
or other relative who has been granted rights
of access in legal proceedings in the child’s
jurisdiction of habitual residence should not
have such rights enforced. We are aware that
the concept of what is a parent is changing
in the context of surrogacy arrangements, assisted
conception, fostering and adoption. For example,
in Australia and Scotland earlier this year
courts have granted sperm donor fathers rights
of access to their children against the wishes
of the mothers.
The provisions
should be amended to make it clear that enforcement
of access should not extend to penalising a
father who refuses to have access with his child.
We are aware of a case decided in Germany in
2000 where a father was faced with a fine of
DM 50,000 if he did not have regular contact
with his child. The SFLA would not want to see
such an order being enforced automatically in
England and Wales.
The drafting of
these provisions should also be reconsidered
in the light of recent research in the United
Kingdom, Australia and elsewhere on how to make
access work effectively (for example, Making
Contact Work, the Report of the Children Act
Subcommittee of the Lord Chancellor’s
Advisory Committee on Family Law and the paper
by Chief Justice Nicholson in the Contact Conference
Report, referred to above in the comment on
Article 3).
The interrelationship
between the proposed provisions and Article
21 of the Hague Abduction Convention should
also be taken into account.
The SFLA supports
the principles upon which the proposed Brussels
IIA Regulation is based. However, the concerns
we have expressed should be reflected in substantial
re-drafting of the provisions referred to above.
If implemented in its current form the Regulation
is likely to increase the scope for disputes
about children and leave families with inadequate
resources to help them deal with those disputes.
The interests of children could be seriously
prejudiced as a result.
David Truex
20 September 2002
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