International Family Law Chambers


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Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union. Representative body for national bars and law societies in the EU and the EEA, covering over 700,000 European lawyers. Links to lawyer organisations in Europe and worldwide, the main EU institutions and general legal resource sites.
Council of Europe. Information about the European inter-governmental body designed to promote awareness of human rights and multiculturalism and find answers to a wide range of societal problems. Advice on Individual Rights in Europe Resource and advice on international human rights law and issues.
Europa. Website for the European Union. Obtain documentation, access the Official Journal and European law, link to the European Commission, Parliament, Council and Court of Justice and find out how the European Union works. Quick links to EU family law legislation and to case law from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
European Court of Human Rights. Information about the court to which any contracting state or individuals in a contracting state can apply if they believe a right under the European Convention of Human Rights to have been violated.
Information, judgments, case summaries (including the 14 year-long McDonalds saga (Steel & Morris v UK).
Oxford University Comparative Law Forum. Articles and discussion forums. Concentrates on German and English law, but also deals with law of other countries.
EU and European Court information site

European Judicial Network

Fam RZ. Magazine providing updates on German family law.
Oxford University Comparative Law Forum. Articles and discussion forums. Concentrates on German and English law, but also deals with law of other countries.
Möllenhoff Rechsanwälte. German law firm in Münster.

Försäkringskassan (Social Insurance Office). Information om olika slags bidrag och understöd, allmän pension och blanketter.
Information about various benefits, old age pension, application forms.
Sveriges Advokatsamfund (Swedish Bar Association)
Samfund med tillsyn över advokater i Sverige. Sök en svensk advokat och länkar till andra svenska hemsidor. Body governing advocates in Sweden.
Find a Swedish advocate and links to other Swedish websites.
Sveriges Domstolsverk. National Courts Administration - Information om svenskt domstolsväsende, inkluderande addresser, blanketter och viss information på engelska.
Information about Swedish courts and judiciary, including addresses, forms, with some information available in English.
Sveriges Riksdag. Swedish Parliament - Information om Sveriges riksdag, dess ansvarsområden, ledamöter, politiska partier och kalender.
Information about the Swedish Parliament, including its responsibilities, members, political parties and agendas for the day.
Sveriges Regering. Swedish Government - Information om regeringskansliet, statsråd.
Information about Government offices, members of the Government. Sweden Information om Sverige, svenskar och svenska händelser.
Information about Sweden, Swedes and Swedish events.
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